Potamiá, GR 1 C


hotel reports testimonial
luggage svgrepo com 1

Lugguage Porter Service

In Marajo Villas & Suites we want our visitors to relax from the very first moment they visit us. Leave your luggage to us. Our luggage transfer service will take care of everything!

cleaning svgrepo com

Extra Cleaning Service

One of the main features of Marajo Villas & Suites all the years of our operation is undoubtedly the commitment to cleanliness. Wanting to go one step further, we provide additional on-demand cleaning for our very demanding guests.


Towel and Sheet Service

At Marajo Villas & Suites we have made sure from the beginning to provide high quality towels and sheets worthy of the general services we provide. The extra towel and linen service will be happy to cater for any additional needs